Saturday Celebrations

Today  I celebrate my growth, determination, and the challenges I’ve overcome. BBG is healthy to my mind. Back in December I saw myself growing frustrated and sometimes taking my frustration out on others (mainly the hubs). I knew and he knew. I knew I needed to be working out. Giving myself some me time as creating a more positive state of mind.

These past 9 weeks have felt great. At times, work can be so stressful. I like having something else to look forward to, and a way to relieve the stress I carried throughout the day. And goodness, these winter months! I feel like I literally live in a hunched up ball, wrapped up in a blanket. When I exercise, my entire body feels more awake, more alive. I know I stand taller and I just feel BETTER. I know this to be true, and yet still sometimes I fall out of a workout routine. I want to remind myself of this the next time I go a week without phyiscal activity….

 So, today I celerbate myself and my happiness. The beginning of BBG was rough. I pushed off my workouts every night. I wouldn’t even begin the workout until some time after 9:30pm. Through my struggles and lack of motivation the hubs was there to support me, sometimes watching me during my workout to be the coach I needed to press on. And other times he supported be by doing a little extra around the house as I made more time for physical fitness in my day. Nine weeks in, I truly feel like I have made it a habit.

Cheers to being happy.

Oh- and one other real fancy Saturday celebration… someone I love dearly will be getting engaged this evening. Tears roll down my face because I am overcome with joy.

 Life is good!


9 thoughts on “Saturday Celebrations

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  1. Thank you for the reminder about how powerful it is to make working out a habit! With two kids and an overloaded schedule, it’s the first thing I put off–but I definitely need to make more time for it! Congratulations on how far you’ve come! Enjoy your fun evening!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful celebration of making time for yourself, so hard to do as a teacher. I love the description of yourself in winter living in ” a hunched up ball, wrapped up in a blanket.” And then the positive results of exercising: “… my entire body feels more awake, more alive.” Congrats for making this a habit!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So glad you have found an exercise routine. I am trying to do the same. Right now, walking 3-4 miles, 3x/week. But it is a start. Soon, I will be able to be in the garden. You can hear the joy of your celebration in your post. Congratulations.

    Liked by 1 person

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